Well here we are folks! Week 6. I feel like a broken record when I keep saying how much progress we’ve made, but it’s been NUTS! If you're new here, we are currently participating as guest in this spring's One Room Challenge - its an 8 week challenge to complete a space and cheer on new and old design friends who are participating as well! We are building a backyard bunkhouse and play structure for our 2 girls.

we completed the railings, so now they’re safe, sturdy and complete with spindles. We added the first slide and built a chalkboard wall underneath the second platform.

We complete some more finishing on the back side of the chalkboard wall and we FINALLY found a bunk bed (on marketplace) - we had intended to buy the Mydal Ikea Bunkbed but it’s been out of stock since week 2. We also installed the ”grown ups“ swing - where Guy and I can sit and relax while we watch the girls play.

follow us on Instagram for all the One For Room Challenge updates and DIY projects (there will be many). See you next week. Have you missed the previous weeks? Check them out here!

Our Sponsors: Urban Garden Prints - (@urbangardenprints) Preppie Peonie - (@preppiepeonie) Floor Coverings International - (@floorcoveringsinternational) Chamclad - (@chamclad)The Decorators Choice - (@thedecoratorschoice)No Bull Garage - (@nobullgarage)Hilary Elizabeth Photography - (@hilaryelizabethphotography)