This week has certainly felt like one of the slower weeks of the 7. I think we are coming to the realization that this project was a tad larger than we had thought and some of the cold, windy and rainy weather we started out with definitely didn't help much.
If you're new here, we are currently participating as guest in this spring's One Room Challenge - its an 8 week challenge to complete a space and cheer on new and old design friends who are participating as well! We are building a backyard bunkhouse and play structure for our 2 girls.
We're still plugging away and we have added a roof to the second largest platform, completed the metal roofing, all the soffit and fascia for both the covered platform and the cabin. We finished all the black and white aluminum capping and have ordered some solar string lights for outdoor ambiance. We gave a hand me down play house a face lift added it to the "little kids corner".
We added the white aluminum capping to the top and sides of the chalkboard (see photo above) and the transom window in the sand box. This really finishes these 2 features and gives them a nice added detail. We have finished the board and batten siding on the 2 sides or the cabin as well and hope to get that finished soon. Up next we will be building the cabin door and adding the outdoor mud kitchen and a baby gate for safety! Stay tuned for that.
follow us on Instagram for all the One For Room Challenge updates and DIY projects (there will be many). See you next week. Have you missed the previous weeks? Check them out here below!
Our Sponsors: Urban Garden Prints - (@urbangardenprints) Preppie Peonie - (@preppiepeonie) Floor Coverings International - (@floorcoveringsinternational) Chamclad - (@chamclad)The Decorators Choice - (@thedecoratorschoice)No Bull Garage - (@nobullgarage)Hilary Elizabeth Photography - (@hilaryelizabethphotography)